Saturday, December 21, 2013

Rolling Dance Chair on DAYTIME SHOW WFLA with Merry Lynn Morris

It was a real honor to have the Rolling Dance Chair showcased on the DAYTIME SHOW - WFLA Tampa, Florida.  Merry Lynn Morris was interviewed by hosts Cyndi Edwards and Jerry Penacoli, while Dwayne Scheuneman demonstrated the Dance Chair with Merry Lynn.  Here is the video interview:

From The Daytime Show link which aired 12/19/2013: 

"Merry Lynn Morris from the University of South Florida joins us to tell us more about the Rolling Dance/Mobility Chair project.  This project was started to allow disabled individuals to be able to express themselves through dance, but has morphed into the development of a chair that gives the disabled unprecedented mobility.  This is a great conversation on how working to solve a specific problem can unexpectedly solve larger, general problems."

Thank You Daytime Show and hosts and producer Deanna Moore! 

We appreciate all your wonderful efforts to get the info out!

Merry Lynn Morris & Sonshine