- The Rolling Dance Chair Project .................... http://rdc.arts.usf.edu/ Merry Lynn Morris - Initiator / Designer / Patent Inventor
- GoFundMe Donation Page http://www.gofundme.com/cafxd8
- Jansen Dance Project ..................... http://jansendance.com/ Merry Lynn Morris - Former Dance Faculty
- REVolutions Dance Company.................... http://www.revdance.org/ Merry Lynn Morris - Former Choreographer and Teacher
- JASON MITCHENER, Artist (& Dad!) courtesy of his brother Greg Loucks @GregLoucks Twitter http://www.zazzle.com/jasonmit/ballerina+gifts or all artwork at http://www.zazzle.com/jasonmit/
- JASON MITCHENER Legacy of Followers & Prayer http://twitter.com/worldwideprayer {& at his tribute page.... http://twitter.com/jasonmitchener }
- CHAIR SCHOLARS FOUNDATION: Scholarships for Students with Disabilities for College http://www.chairscholars.org/ .................. and on Twitter: @ChairScholar or http://twitter.com/ChairScholars
- STORY CORPS ORGANIZATION .... Record your own story or Listen to others -http://storycorps.org/blog/
- TERRI'S FIGHT-TERRI SCHIAVO LIFE & HOPE NETWORK "Where there is Life, there is Hope" ............ COURTESY OF BOBBY SCHINDLER (Terri's Brother) http://www.terrisfight.org/eNewsletters/Newsletter51.html
- THE TERRI SCHINDLER SCHIAVO FOUNDATION ........... http://www.terrisfight.org/
- HAD TO BE PRODUCTIONS CARRIE GIBSON / TONY CURRY 310-301-7976 Venice, CA 90291 www.hadtobe.com carriegibson@earthlink.net / tcurry51@msn.com "Into the Fire & The Veteran Experience" Touring Company combat true life testimonies / Veterans with Disabilities.
- SIGN OF DA'TIMES is an American Sign Language (ASL) educational performing arts-based program for private /public schools, educational, and recreational centers. http://www.signofdatimes.com/ PHYLLIS GAINES, Director p.o. box 10824, TAMPA, FL 33679 Signofdatimes@gmail.com "Bridging the gap between Deaf and hearing culture through education and the performing arts"
- SABATINO VERLEZZA DANCE COMPANY (Ohio Based) "Dance, like life, for all." http://verlezzadance.org/ DEAD CAN DANCE Video Excerpt http://vimeo.com/1276975
- Sabatino Verlezza 216.225.8320
Title: Artistic Director
E-Mail: sabatinoverlezza@verlezzadance.org
Name: Tracy Pattison 216.233.6934
Title: Assistant Artistic Director & Class Coordinator
E-Mail: tracypattison@verlezzadance.org
Name: Amara Romano 216.314.0900
Title: Administrative Assistant
E-Mail: amararomano@verlezzadance.org - THE DREAM - THE PURPOSE - An Orphanage of Children w/Disability THIS IS AN INCREDIBLE WORK OF LOVE!!! Inspiration from ALEX TALAI -a quad-amputee from 16 years old. - www.alexeysdream.com website with video of history & inspiration.
Alexey (Aliaksei) Talai
Mogilyovskaya Str. 95/2 – 1
211030 Orsha City, Republic Of Belarus & in US
Bob@rchcae.com Bob Harris, CAE
Bob Harris, CAE
335 Beard StreetTallahassee, FL 32303, USA (W/ Hyatt Hotels of Tallahassee) http://cafeindependence.webs.com
Here is the link for the new OnLine Magazine
The very first edition (April 2011) featured the Rolling Dance Chair Project with an article written by (me) Sonshine on the ramifications of disability within our family - and the outcome of creative inventions through our daughter Merry Lynn Morris: Here is the permanent link for the story which is also reprinted here: http://disabilityhorizons.com/2011/04/10/dancing-on-wheels/