Thursday, April 17, 2014

Association of University Technology Managers AUTM Video Award for Rolling Dance Chair Project by Merry Lynn Morris - "AUTM Put A Face On It" Award 2013

It was such an honor to have the Rolling Dance Chair Project chosen for the Association of University Technology Managers AUTM Video Award - "AUTM Put A Face On It" Award for 2013!

We worked with CeliCreative Tampa Design Studio to bring this video to fruition and they did a wonderful job! The goal of the AUTM video award is to support/showcase "unique videos that feature the people who benefit from university-developed innovations." The video award focuses upon the real-world, lived application of innovative technologies and the transformation of people's lives. Special thanks to those who appeared in the video including: Jessica and Eileen Hendricks, Dwayne Scheuneman - Director of REVolutions Dance, Dr. Paul Sanberg - USF Senior Vice President for Research & Innovation and Executive Director / Center of Excellence for Aging & Brain Repair, and Valerie McDevittU.S. Registered Patent Attorney and Associate Vice President at the University of South Florida for Technology Transfer, Division of Patents and Licensing as well as special thanks to the wonderful efforts of Lauren Golin and Dr. Terri Hunter from the USF Office of Patents and Licensing, who helped it all come together. 

Best to All and many Thanks!

Designer, Patent Inventor