Thursday, November 4, 2010

University of South Florida Dancing Chair Interview

Our Story - Progress on Dance Chair
UPDATE-just loaded video on this blog.This just came out yesterday.The USF iTunes Link: USF Official YouTube Site

As it gets posted on the Rolling Dance Chair website, we post video directly to this website also. It is an official copyrighted USF produced video by the College of Health media / marketing / research - though we furnished many of the pictures.

It sure was another surprise how it all came together, and we are all so grateful and thankful to Liisa Temple and everyone at USF for this fine work!  Very poignant, very sweet for all those who are and will be touched by this Rolling Dance Chair Project.  May God Bless!

His Sonshine & Merry Lynn Morris

Here is Our Story - Progress on the Dance Chair -as it is posted to youtube and also posted to the official USF Mechanical Engineering YouTube site.  (Note - should you have iPhone or Apple for Podcasts .... the above link will remain and you may prefer..... also it markets USF tracking for USF iTunes. Marketing also tracks the USF Eng. YouTube site. Official USF Channel:  )