Saturday, December 11, 2010

DISABILITY AWARENESS AROUND THE GLOBE - Our International Friends - Martyn, Amrita, & Paresh! .... THINK ON THIS & GIVE SUGGESTIONS

Our friend Martyn Sibley who has a wonderful Blog & Video Blog at  - keeps up with international disability awareness - especially in the UK. He related this 2 minute video from the BBC reporting on poor accessibility for the disabled in wheelchairs on trains.  Here is the link:

It is a real dilemma and something all of us should really THINK ABOUT THIS - & COME UP WITH SUGGESTIONS & SOLUTIONS! This effects all of us everywhere - INTERNATIONALLY!

Martyn recently traveled to the US and related his experiences in how he prepares and manages for his travels - with his team! Of course, in Martyn's case his awesome British accent charms everyone here in the U.S. - definitely an asset to enjoy.  His video journey is posted here with his permission. He is getting to do things, I could only have dreamed of doing!  I feel privileged to share and post his incredible journeys he takes to get the info out on disability awareness.  Martyn has certainly been blessed with a keen mind and a dynamic charisma! This is a super video!

Another friend, Amrita, in India - published a great article on disability stats for International Disability Day (12/3). (See below.)  Her blog at  has many guest bloggers which also bring to light disability awareness.  One of her guests was Paresh Palicha who Blogs on Accessibility and wrote a wonderful article on "Employability" from his personal perspective at 


On Dec 2nd World Disabled Day was observed all over the world and in India. The plight of 70 million disabled people in India is pathetic. 2% are educated and only 1% find employment. The government and social groups are slowly trying to empower physically challenged people but its just a drop in the ocean. Here are some statistics of which I am also a part.

70 million disabled people in India
95% of the disabled have no access to education, health care and employment
150,000 are disabled due to injury to the spinal cord
10,000 spinal injury cases are reported every year due to road accidents. 82% are men between the ages of 18-30

In Hope & May God Bless!
Sonshine & Merry Lynn