Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Art / Museum Tours in Hands-Free Chairs

We put together this video for a conference on Art & Museum accessibility for disabled ....a LEAD Conference in Minneapolis (Leadership Exchange in Arts & Disability). The patent on our chair just was fully approved. More upgrades are in the works.
This video shows a hands-free model as one could tour an art gallery, work on a computer station or otherwise utilize (disabled or not) ..... a sit-down / hands-free "work" chair which mimics human hovering & natural (weight pulling) interaction with others. The options are really as endless as our imagination.

{NOTE: The Honda video below is only as a comparative industry - one by Japanese innovation ..... they also see touring an art gallery as a possibility & example! Their engineering uses the Segway-type inner gyroscope mechanism which we originally experimented with & still do. It uses a wheel-within-a-wheel approach .... & allows for omni-direction as well the side-to-side motion we are trying to achieve for people of diverse body types and/or abilities seated rather than balancing.}

It is very coincidental that we have video on some of our Museum tours ..... on some "hands-free""chairs.... with our unique chair design.... utilizing two dancers as models for the chairs. Although I am thrilled & thank the Lord for the Honda innovation!!! PTL! to get the mobility awareness & innovation out!..... Our dancers, models, & just regular folk... are sure a lot more comfortable!! I will be sharing these videos with everyone soon.

Love in our Lord,
His Sonshine & Merry Lynn